The Truth About Pond Netting

A garden is made even more beautiful with a well-maintained pond. Many homeowners have indulged in a garden pond because it instantly enhances the ambiance of outdoor spaces. Well-tended yards and gardens also bring more value to your home. Maintaining a water garden requires the use of several items, including a pond netting, that will help retain its charm.

  1. What is the purpose of a pond netting?
    Answer: The chief reason for placing pond netting is to keep leaves and other items away from the water. While leaves that are submerged in the water are general eyesores, they are still organic items after all, meaning they will decompose sooner or later. Decomposing leaves give off lots of compounds that can harm the fishes and the biological balance of the water’s ecosystem.
  2. What material is a pond netting made of?
    Answer: Pond netting comes in lots of kinds. They can be crafted from either polyester, polypropylene or nylon. They can be purchased in bulk in rolled-up form or in precut sizes. These materials are known for their durability against the elements. For good measure though, hardwearing pond netting are usually designed with grommets. Quality pond netting is capable of being resistant against rot and damage done by being exposed in water.
  3. What are the methods used to mount pond netting?
    Answer: The task of installing pond netting can be done in several ways. The simplest method is to stretch pond netting tightly all over the pond just over the level of the water. There are also homeowners who create domes and tent-like structures over the pond with the netting.
  4. Are there other ways to maintain the health of a garden pond?
    Answer: There is a wide range of treatments meant to retain a healthy pond. These treatments assure that the place will be safe for both animals and plants. You can use an algaecide, chorine remover, sludge remover, barley pond cleaner, a pond tint or a lime scale remover to keep the water clean.